Registration & Tuition
Payments are due before the 10th of the month. Tuition may be paid annually (Sept.-June) or in 10 equal installments. (If paying for the 10 months before Sep. 10th a 10% discount will be given, paying by credit card, an 8% discount will be given If your child drops classes part way through the season, you will be charged full tuition for the months attended & refunded the remainder). Tuition remains the same regardless of holidays or attendance. During July & August we offer a summer program that is billed separately. Your account must be paid in full to continue the next month. A 2 week notice is needed if you should wish to discontinue with lessons. Upon verification of membership, all new students are charged a $35.00 Annual Registration Fee. New summer students are charged $10.00 registration. Members who participate in both the academic and summer programs pay only Annual registration fee.
An additional $5.00 late fee will be charged to your account for each month your account is overdue.
If a check is returned for any reason, there will be a $20.00 surcharge.
There is a $5.00 discount for the second child and $10.00 discount for the third child in a family for the monthly tuition.
Missed Classes
Since we have a substantial overhead to meet each month, and we wish to maintain our quality instruction, we cannot give refunds or make-ups for missed classes. We view each month as a four week month. Occasionally you will receive an extra class per month. We do not charge for this class.
We reserve the right to fill all openings.
Inclement Weather
We will close the Gymnastic Center in the winter time if driving conditions are too hazardous. Listen to WBEN, Star 102, and Kiss 98.5, the local TV stations 2, 4, & 7 or call the gym to listen to the message regarding classes. Make-up classes will be announced at the next regular class.
The only holidays we close for regular classes are: Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Week and Memorial Day.
Class Policies
Students’ should wear the following: a leotard for girls (without attached skirt) and shorts and T-shirt for boys. All students should have socks or sockies on their feet. No jewelry should be worn. No chewing gum will be permitted. Please label all clothing so it is not mistaken for someone else’s and it can easily be returned if left. If anyone has anything of value, do not leave it in the locker room. Purses and wallets may be left in the office.
Class Structure
Our students’ are grouped according to age, natural ability and experience. Our classes are structured to give equal time to all the Olympic events and trampoline. Each class begins with a group warm-up. After the warm-up, the children are divided into groups. At the end of each class, we spend about 5 minutes on strength conditioning.
For students that need extra help, private lessons are available. The student must be enrolled in regular classes. Kurt or Eric Stumpf must approve the time and availability.
On the 1st of July, if you have not already received your student’s evaluation, we will mail the evaluation along with the fall schedule. There will be a fall registration form that has to be filled-out and returned to Stumpf’s. We will not accept registrations over the phone or without a completed form and registration fee.
Finally, if you have any questions or if problems arise, please feel free to contact us. The best time is between 3 p.m. – 7 p.m. Monday through Friday and 9 a.m. to 12:00 noon on Saturday from September through the end of June. July and August the best time to call is from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon Monday through Thursday.
Eric and Kurt Stumpf